Jun 5, 2013

We are the champions

The Catholic University of Daegu.  This is where I spent my Saturday. Yes , I was doubtful as to how eventful this day would be and I expected the entire event to be a bit of a bore but little did I realise the day would end   with our school winning  the event and my priniple forcing me to drink beer out of the winning trophy. Classy.

Every two years All the catholic high  schools and universities get together for an interschools sports day.
This year it was held at the Catholic University in Dageu. 7 am start to my Saturday. Not ayoba.
The day began with a  1 hour Korean mass service.  for the most part I was unable to understand the sermon and started to dose  but  over the mircophone I heard  ' NO PAIN , NO GAIN '  a 4 simple letter phrase that I happen to base my life on . This phrase hit home harder than usual .  I didn't need to  understand the rest of the sermon , because I was pretty certain that he had summed it up in those 4 words.

Feeling more optimistic after hearing my favourite quote  we proceeded to have a lecture by the Gyeongsangbuk minister of education. Another hour of Korean and not understanding a thing . However I sucked it up and remined myself that it was the minister of education standing infront of me which is  a pretty  big deal . It was only after the lecture when things really started looking up . All it took was a free slab of chocolate with the Ministers face on it to put a smile on my face. Little did we realise that more free food would be coming our way.

Cheering for our school !

The afternoon started off with the national warm up routine. Yes,  Korea has a warm up routine that every pupil and teacher needs to learn. In neat little rows like a group of school children we all did the warm up . Arms swinging and legs kicking and necks rolling. It really was quite a sight . I felt like I was taking partin s a very large aeorbics class. The afternoon consisited of a variety of games that our staff members particpated in . From volleyball , to table tennis and traditional korean games they had it all.

My claim to fame . Drinking out of the trophy.
After receiving our trophy the  high school and middle school staff  took over an entire restaurant and we indulged in bulgogi ,  beer and soju on tap! Now I've never really bonded with my principle as he cannot speak any english and I never know how to say to  him . However on Saturay this all changed very quickly  when he insisted that I drink beer out of the trophy.  First thought  " totally unacceptable for a teacher to behave like that " second thought " The principle will think I am very rude if I turn it down" Yes turning down alcohol in Korea is regarded as very impolite  Now dealing with some hectic inner conflict  " do I  look like a bad teacher and drink   or look very rude and turn down the offer from the principle"  , I decided to weigh up the pro's and conS . The verdict ? " ah la teacher you are first female foreign teacher to drink from trophy , well done "  Well thats just great I now not only looked like a bad teacher but no other foreign teacher had done it before either.  I very quickly started regretting what I had done and felt really guilty . Then I heard shouts and cheers . I looked up and there stood the  school priest and one of the nunss  drinking out of the trophy.  All guilt I had had  very quickly evaporated.
Convents in Korea are just something else.

Bonding with the principle and Lobyn

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