8pm last night and I had a piping hot shower and was about to get into my bed attire , my over sized black and red ladybird onesie. I was on the verge of closing the window as the wind had suddenly picked up quite dramatically , but then a rather cold piece of fluff landed on my hand , "snow? , it can't possibly be , it is far too early for Gyeongju to get snow" I stuck my head out of the window , looked up and saw thousands of little shimmering white specks floating down from the dark nights sky.
Now for most people who live in the Northern hemisphere snow has become a part of life
and by the sounds of things it brings more unhappiness and irritation than anything else. However, being a South African who rarely gets to experience such magical moments , as snow fall in Cape Town is very rare , I could hardly control my excitement.
Not wanting to waste one more second of being inside I grabbed my boots and my giant jacket "gooi d" it over my ladybird onesie and ran outside.

knows what they must have thought . " Crazy weird waygook" is probably accurate. Even though they were not enjoying the snowy splendor as much as I was , I saw a few of them crack a smile , perhaps it was because of the snowfall or perhaps it was because I looked so ridiculous . but nevertheless they smiled.
I admit that the snow fall that I experienced last night was microscopic compared to what my friends are experiencing in other parts of Korea , but that doesn't change how I felt last night .As I have said many times before , it is finding pleasure , beauty and happiness in the simple moments like standing outside with the tiny snowflakes falling all around us that make this life a beautiful and meaningful one.
So here is to winter in Korea and the many snow ball fights , snowmen and Christmas angels that will be made <3
I am so ready for a white winter land Christmas.
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