It is now 10 pm and I have just finished my first day of Summer camp and what a great success it was. Most schools in Korea run a Summer camp during vacation time . Mine no doubt falls into that catergory. My school also falls into the very academic and hard working catergory and as a result , despite the fact it is Summer vacation which usually implies school holidays , my students are still attending classes like on any other normal school day which runs from 9am until 10 pm . However for a select few students Summer School isn't so terrible as they get to partcipate in Summer camp activities which I have to run . This is a time where the students are able to learn english in a fun and less academic way. I feel this is a time where I can really get the girls to engage in the lessons as im doing activties that they are actuallly interested in.
What is the deelio with Summer Camp?
Each school in Korea runs their camps differently. Mine seems to be a particulary unique case and im not complaning. First off I only have to teach 8 days of camp . Many of my friend will be teaching 2 or 3 weeks worth of camps . I am running the camps for grade one and two. Grade three simply do not have the time to waste doing activities . Most of my teaching friends are doing their summer camps in the morning but me , Im getting to sleep in until 12 pm. My school has decided to run our Summer camp from 4 in the afternoon until 9 at night. Lucky me gets everyday off until 4 pm . No desk warming for me. Thank goodness.
Summer camp program
As this is the one of the few occasions where my students are not subjected to academic hell I have decided to do activities that encourage creativity and will keep the girls engaged.
Day 1
Today the students made friendship bracelets. Thanks to a very generous Summer camp budget I was able to buy beautiful assorted beads for the activity. The girls had to design a bracelet , give it a name " The bracelet of ....." and then they had to give it to someone in their group. I was highly impressed with the girls creativity and time they spent on the activity. It just proves that if you give students something that they enjoy they will be far more engaged and responsive in the lesson.
My students seem to adore Glee . Totally convenient when you are quite the fan yourself. I have decided to show the episode where Rachel wants a nose job. Plstic surgery in Korea ranks amongst the highest in the world. Its all about image here and as a result the amount of pressure placed on korean females is huge. I am hoping that the Gleeks can get through to my girls. After the episode they will be required to make a poster that illsutrates what the episode was about. I shall end the lesson with a quiz based on the Glee
Day 3
Students will make a fruit salad recipe and then each group will evaluate another groups fruit salad.
Day 4
Ive realised that the one area of english that seems rather unknown to my girls is the area of board
games. I really believe this is a fantastic\ and fun way to encourage my students to speak english. So thanks to the large budget I bought the game Twister , the classic party hit game , "Guess who" which is great for practicing adjectives and descriptions and lastly monopoly , a game that I feel every person should know how to play.
I am now exhausted , hot and ready for bed. Bring on dy two of Camp with the Gleeks
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