Aug 2, 2013

Semester 1 done and dusted

Today officially marks the end of my first semester at Geunhwa High school with my last day of Summer camp finishing at 9 pm tonight. I am most definately ready for my 12 day break. It really has been one jam packed ,fun filled first 6 months at the convent. From fashions shows in class to running races at sports day , to awesome field trips around gyeongju, the principle forcing me to drink beer out of our trophy and getting to do my 64 minutes for Madiba with my students . These are just a few of the memories and incredible moments I have been lucky enough to experience thus far. I have been able to get to know my students on a level that I never thought would be possible. Co workers that have become more than just people that I work with . They have become my mentors and friends.I feel incredibly blessed. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was standing on stage infront of 800 students frightened as ever. Now almost 6 months later , I am only full of smiles

Summer camp has been a wonderful eye opening experience for me.Despite the strange hours , 4-9 I have really enjoyed being able to work closely with the students and doing activities with them that encourage their creativity and allow them to really express themselves in a way that is usually not allowed in an academic classroom.Its given me the chance to observe my students true talents and give them the encouragemnet that they need to continue building on those talents. Investing in some new english board games turned out to be a really good move.My students are now all hooked on Uno , monoply , guess who and pictionary! Fruit salad making and getting fed fruit by my students like a greek goddness was another winning lesson! But the lesson that I really feel had the most significant impact on my girls, Glee. Glee is known for their wonderful moral messages behind each episode and so I decided to base one of the lessons on the Glee episode " Born this way" The episode that spreads the message of loving ourselves just the way we are with flaws and all.
The objective of the lesson was for the girls to think of something that they are shy about or do not like about themselves and then had to accept it as something that makes them special and unique . They then had to make a poster with a word on it that described the aspect of themselves that they did not like. In order to get them to embrace their flaws I got them to sing along to the Queen of self love, Lady Gaga's "born this way". I hope that in some way that lesson has helped them to gain a little more self love for themselves.

I never imagined that I would settle in so well or be this happy at my school in Korea. But I am. This school has become my family . I look forward to semester 2 and all the crziness that it brings with it.

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